Our Service Commitment: 2-3 job placement offers within 1-2 months


  • Get into contact with us in the form you prefer
  • Provide us with your CV and all your relevant documents
  • We arrange a face-to-face interview
  • We analyze your current situation
  • We optimize your dossier on request
  • We discuss and allocate your targets
  • Together we plan further actions


Services in case of a collaboration:

  • Analysis of current market and employer’s situation
  • Brainstorming of new ideas for a new challenge
  • You will receive 2-3 offers within 1-2 months
  • Co-ordination of interviews at potential employers by dominomatch
  • Feedback within 1-2 days after your interview with the potential employer has taken place
  • Continuous supervision and personal coaching by dominomatch in order to optimize the process
You benefit from our flair to find the TopMatch in TopTime